Need a CPU for 50000


Broken In
1. What is the purpose of the computer? (Note: If you are planning to say multimedia, you will have to be more specific as all types of systems are capable of doing that)
A: Watching HD movies, future proof gaming and using Adobe Premier pro
2. Are you open to alternate ideas/products giving similar better performance but offering more VFM/ sellers? If not- why?
A: Yes
3. What is your MAX budget?
A: 50,000
4. Planning to overclock?
5. Which OS are you planning to use?
A: Triple boot system with WinXP Black, Win 7 Premium and Fedora
6. How much hard drive space is needed?
A: 500gb or 1tb
7. What resolution will the screen run at & whats the size of the screen you want?
A:19 inch 1440x900 but i will upgrade to a 24 inch 1920x1080 monitor in a year
8. How would you rate your hardware knowledge from the count of 1-10? (1 being the lowest, 5 being you are somewhat in sync with the current performers and 10 being the highest)
9. Have you ever built a desktop before or will this be done by an assembler?
10. When are you planning to buy the system?
A: In a month
11. Are you one of the types looking out for "future proof" configurations?
12. Are there going to be any components that you don't want to include in this new rig? If yes, do mention.
A: Any company which has a very bad servicing track record
13. Which city do you live in and are you open to buying from shops from other city/states?
A: Kolkata
14. Mention any other points if deemed necessary
A: I will salvage my hard disks from my old system, which makes for 2 hard disks (1x1tb=1x500gb) So i will need an smps which can handle 3 hard disks in total, preferably 4(for future upgrading) along with graphics cards and it should also have a steady flow to handle usb connected wi fi devices( i had a bad experience where every time the wi fi dongle was connected my system would restart). I already have the monitor, speakers, ups, keyboard and mouse, i only need the CPU. Another thing, AMD has effectively shut down ATI(declared day before yesterday) so i am wondering how much servicing i will get if i get ATI graphics card. I have no fascination of Intel and AMD has served me quite go right ahead and suggest any rig you guys feel like
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Another thing, AMD has effectively shut down ATI(declared day before yesterday) so i am wondering how much servicing i will get if i get ATI graphics card.
No, AMD hasn't "shut-down ATi." They have just rebranded it as AMD. In simple words, ATi Radeon has become AMD Radeon.

Cool Buddy

Wise Old Owl
AMD Phenom II X6 1055t - 10k
Motherboard - *Suggestions from others*
Gskill 2x2GB - 5.4k
Nvidia Geforce GTX 460 - 12k
Corsair VX550w - 4.8k
NZXT M59 - 4k
WD Black 500 GB - 3.2k
DVD RW - 1k

Total - 40.4k without motherboard. So budget permitting, you can also go for X6 1090t at 14-15k

I'd say X6 would be future proof.
HDDs consume 8-10w power, so they don't matter much as far as power consumption is concerned. But yes, they do heat up a lot. So get some external HDD for expansion in future. Don't put in too many inside.

ATI was a company manufacturing graphics cores. AMD had acquired it 4 years back but continued using the ATI brand name. But now it will use AMD brand name and will stop ATI. SO it's just a name change. No effect for consumers


MV VIP to the MAX
AMD Phenom II X6 1055t - 10k
Motherboard - *Suggestions from others* MSI 890GXM G65 - 7k
Kingston 2x2GB DDR3 1333MHz -4.5 k
Nvidia Zotac Geforce GTX 460 1GB- 14k
Corsair VX550w - 4.8k
NZXT M59 - 4k
WD Black 500 GB - 3.2k
DVD RW - 1k

Total - 48.5k

ATi used o be a graphics card and AMD chipset maker before AMD bought it 4 years ago. They thought that the brand name ATi is very popular so they should leave it alone for the time being. Now, they're just changing ATi to AMD as a brand name.


Swimming, eh??
Ok to all of you guys at tdf.
I have a question.
When an op wants a 'futerproof' pc, is it recommended to put 'futerproof'-ment before performance?
Cuz the way i see it, i can 'help' build a pc that has better performance,but lacks a bit of futerproofin.

Here is what I am saying.

AMD Phenom II X4 955 @ 8k
(honestly,dont laugh.)
Motherboard - MSI-890 GXM-G65 @ 7.1 (not sure if such mobo even exists or not.)
Gskill 2x2GB - 5.4k
GPU - 5870 @ 16 (any brand.)
FPS SAGA II 500 W or better @ 3+0.5k
NZXT M59 - 4k
WD Black 500 GB - 3.2k
DVD RW - 1k


please,complaints,abuses, & rotten tomatoes gladly accepted.
I made this rig keeping the gaming in mind.
& 2k can b added at aftermarket cooler if the op wants to oc later in future.

---------- Post added at 10:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 PM ----------

Yea,the mobo does exist.
& is 460 at 14k?


Retired Forum Mod
^^ if only gaming & "futureproof", its perfect one. but when you add those productivity apps, a 6 core better.

Jaskanwar Singh

Aspiring Novelist
Phenom II X6 1055T 2.8GHz @ 9.6k
MSI 890GXM G65 @ 7k
Gskill Ripjaws 1600 Mhz 4 GB DDR3 Kit @ 6k
Zotac GTX460 1GB GDDR5 @ 14k
Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB @ 4.5k
Corsair VX550W @ 4.8k
Cooler Master Elite 430 @ 2.6k

Total - 48.5k


Phenom II X6 1055T 2.8GHz @ 9.6k
MSI 890GXM G65 @ 7k
Gskill Ripjaws 1600 Mhz 4 GB DDR3 Kit @ 6k
Zotac GTX460 1GB GDDR5 @ 14k
Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB @ 4.5k
Corsair VX550W @ 4.8k
Cooler Master Elite 430 @ 2.6k

Total - 48.5k

Pl also suggest a suitable UPS.


Broken In
I want to add another point...although this is a matter of topping on the cake, not an absolute requirement. I have recently been reading about the hackintosh project and my understanding is that hackintosh and snow leopard actually works with limited hardware. Any idea if the the systems being suggested here would be compatible with a hackintosh installation?


^^ nothing is like hackintosh. It is macintosh (Mac) when u hack it, it becomes hackintosh... In here hacking means running that mac os (snow leopard) on an unsupported hardware that is any hardware other then Mac itself..

to clear more

Mac = iMac = Apple


Super Moderator
Staff member
Just use Windows on your machine. Don't expect an Operating System which isn't made for your machine to work. Thats it.


Swimming, eh??
Ok i have one more question.
Why is 1055t placed below 955/965 on tomshardware.
Also, i Checked at anandtech, & obviously the 1055 overpowers the phenom x4, but by a really very small margin.
So i was jus wondering that if the x6 is worth 2.5k more than x4 for a bit increase in performance.
My deepest apologise if I am annoying anybody up here.


Super Moderator
Staff member
^ You aren't annoying anyone. :) Its because X4 955 and 965 are slightly better for gaming with their 4 cores as most games don't utilize anything more than that. X6 1055T is way better for tasks like renderring, compiling etc. which make use of the two additional cores.


Broken In
hi guys,
thanks for the wonderful suggestions. I have one other question-
i see that most of you are suggesting a lot of money to be spent on the graphics card, not that i disagree with it. I am just wondering, what would be the tradeoff, if i got the 1090t processor instead of the 1055t, and to compensate i got a slightly lower graphics card? how much performance would be affected? the 1090t processor has a significant performance boost and i am just thinking, would it make more sense to spend more money on getting a better processor and ram(6gb) and then splurge on the graphics a month or two later. Although i suspect that 6 gb ram will be overkill at this point, and i can always add another 2 gigs into another slot later. One last thing- everyone is suggesting only a 550 w smps. Is that really enough?? i mean i am using a cooler master 600w smps for 2 hard disks, one graphics card, motherboard processor and a dvd writer and it still seems to crop up poor power distribution issues every now and then. Considering that the new system would have 3 internal hard disks, one graphics card and a firewire capture card along with a dvddrive would 550 w be enough?


Super Moderator
Staff member
One last thing- everyone is suggesting only a 550 w smps. Is that really enough?? i mean i am using a cooler master 600w smps for 2 hard disks, one graphics card, motherboard processor and a dvd writer and it still seems to crop up poor power distribution issues every now and then. Considering that the new system would have 3 internal hard disks, one graphics card and a firewire capture card along with a dvddrive would 550 w be enough?
^ The Cooler Master 600w SMPS you are talking about is most probably Cooler Master Extreme Power Plus and it SUCKS. Basically, don't go for any Cooler Master PSU. The ones which you get easily are all crap.

Just get the Corsair vx550. It is the best and people here know what they are saying. You judge a PSU by its efficiency; not on what the company advertises.
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Cool Buddy

Wise Old Owl
yep, although VX550 is sufficient for you, if for any reason you want to get a better PSU (may be for a possible future upgrade to SLI/crossfire) then look at the corsair TX or HX series. Cooler Master PSUs aren't good at all (the retailer's might disagree, don't listen to them)
And It's better to get 1055. 1090 will throw your config off budget and won't be a very big advantage in gaming (coz you'll have to downgrade the gfx card). Better OC your proccy to 3 Ghz, i think that will be ok on stock HSF


Broken In
Thanks for the solid advice guys. Two things i noticed about the motherboard-
it supports only 1333 mhz for ddr3 ram (more if it is overclocked) i am not sure what this means, considering i would be buying the recommended 1600 mhz ram.
Secondly- the motherboard comes equipped with ati graphics, I am just wondering if coupling ati inbuilt graphics along with an nvidia card will cause some unforeseen issues or not. Since amd owns ati, would it make more sense to go for an all AMD ATI setup? Also, this is a DirectX 10.1 board. Any native DirectX11 boards in a similar budget out there? Or is that not necessary? Some of the reviews for the motherboard suggested that this series was good only if one intended to have a crossfire setup. Any cross fire alternatives in terms of the graphics card mentioned? One last annoying question- the msi website does not list firewire as a feature on this motherboard. Could anyone verify that? One last thing- this is a micro atx form factor board, any full form factor equivalent of this?
I apologize beforehand if i am asking too many questions, i guess i am trying to find the best possible setup with futureproofing, stability and raw power as the main concerns. In that regard if by increasing my budget by 4-5000 might allow me some more range, i would rather do that.

I also saw that most reviews of the zotac graphics card loved it, although they said that it wasnt much of an performance improvement over the 768mb version. What do you suggest?
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