Zune and Vista 'not compatible'.

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Distinguished Member
Zune, the new digital music player from Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT - news) , is not compatible with the software giant's new Vista operating system.

Buried in the Zune website, Microsoft admits that the player is not compatible with Vista and gives no information as to when it will introduce a patch or update enabling the player to do so.

Instead, users are asked to "check back soon for updates".:eek:



What? Where? How?
anandk said:
Zune, the new digital music player from Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT - news) , is not compatible with the software giant's new Vista operating system.

Buried in the Zune website, Microsoft admits that the player is not compatible with Vista and gives no information as to when it will introduce a patch or update enabling the player to do so.

Instead, users are asked to "check back soon for updates".:eek:


That made me laugh lke hell. Looks like Bill Gates and Co. don't believe in first impressions.


The Devil's Advocate
vista hasnt been launched yet so i think it is too early to blame MS for the goof up though it shudnt hav been such still MS has time as vista hasnt launched for cinsumers as far as the RTM launch is concened patches will b availble i am sure
i guess some1 forgot to tell vista coders that MS is also making a portable media player
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