Hey guys
I have had my eyes on the XZ1 for a while now and I like the phone for its size but I've read on forums all over the place that the camera sucks(which I use a lot, in low light too).
Now I am getting a sweet deal on the phone as an acquaintance of mine decided to sell it for 25k. Is it worth the money or should I go for another phone?
For perspective, I have used the Samsung S7 so far and I think the camera on it is great.
I have had my eyes on the XZ1 for a while now and I like the phone for its size but I've read on forums all over the place that the camera sucks(which I use a lot, in low light too).
Now I am getting a sweet deal on the phone as an acquaintance of mine decided to sell it for 25k. Is it worth the money or should I go for another phone?
For perspective, I have used the Samsung S7 so far and I think the camera on it is great.