why call of duty is giving such a high latency even when other players are getting better connection.


In the zone
I am playing call of Duty MW and warzone and in both cases I am getting latency of around 170ms and max of 215ms. When i check other players even in india they are getting around 60. I am using 115 mbps broadband connection , connected by cable through wifi port. I dont have any device connected other than my desktop pc. I stay in kolkata and uses Alliance network.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Perhaps some routing issue with your ISP. Contact their customer service and ask them if they can fix your routing. If they can't then perhaps you should look for another ISP.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Check your pc with some other connection(like 4g) to rule out any software issue as some AV/security software may also increase latency for online gaming.


Legend Never Ends
What's your ping in other games? Personally haven't found issues with MW.

Sent from my vivo 1807 using Tapatalk
Might be an ISP issue. That is 4G like latency. Just try with 4G as well, expect ~200ms with that.

Make sure you didn't change server region to something else, not sure if you can do that in CoD like its possible in R6.
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