Why 16bit 32bit?

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Why is it so that computer related hardware are related with the following such numbers? why not any other number?

Operating Systems 16bit 32 bit why not 1 bit 50 bit etc?
RAM 16MB 32MB 64MB etc why not 20MB 145MB etc?
HDD 20GB 40GB 120GB why not 35 GB 13GB 100GB etc etc....
Bit interesting isn't it!!!!!!!!!


Cyborg Agent
Interesting question, indeed. But the answer to them lies in the cost of the components. In processors, we need only 2^32 (or lately, 2^64) address space to address the amount of ram a single processor will probably be fitted with. WHy not increase to 33bit or 40bit? This is more of future-proofing and also to allow 64bit register contents to be sent in one go to the processor. As you will see, we use either one REGISTER or two REGISTER rather than one BIT or two BIT. This will explain the doubling of bits rather than one or two bit incremens.

In registers, we need only 8-bit space to put commonly used numbers in. Sometimes we need 16-bit space to put larger numbers.

To answer you why 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, etc look like magical numbers, you need to remind yourself of the binary system. Now almost all registers are 8 bits in length. So values put in them will be designed to take up the entire 8 bits at a time. So someone needing 9 bits of space will use two 8bit registers, and hence, 16bits.

Since during memory access, we put in the address of the data in registers, we are forced to use 8,16. etc bits for addressing. Ofcourse, the ram size need not follow this rule. The OS will know how much ram can be addressed.

As for HDD, which don't need one register or two register of address to be specified since they are not accessed in the same way as RAM, Any power of two will work. Also, manufacturers like to give you round figures in 1000bits=1KB format.


Coming back to life ..
For a nice technical answer see ^ post ..

For a nerd's answer the bits are represented in Two's power as we use Binary system in digital electronics .. That is why these are in two's power notation ..


Here's an explanation for a laymen (although not a technically correct explanation).

Comp is a machine. Its parts can either have a current or not have it. So only 2 values are possible. 0 (no current) and 1 (current). So binary number system is used to take care of it. Everything is something raised to 2.

Even noticed the memory measurement units?
1 KB = 1024 Bytes
1024 KB = 1 MB
1024 MB = 1 GB
1024 GB = 1 TB

and so on. But why 1024? Because its 2^10.

In addition to Binary, there are a few more number systems like Octal (8 digits, 0 to 7), Decimal (the normal 0 to 9 system) and Hexadecimal (o to 9 and A to F).

Open Windows Calculator, click on View, select Scientific View. You will be able to convert various numbers from one system to another with a click.


tuxfan a lil mistake there
everything is "2 RAISED TO SOMETHING"
not vice versa ;)
u used it correctly just made a wee bit of a mistake saying it


theraven said:
tuxfan a lil mistake there
everything is "2 RAISED TO SOMETHING"
not vice versa ;)
u used it correctly just made a wee bit of a mistake saying it

:oops: :oops:

:lol: You are right. Slip of finger on keyboard ;)
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