Wat is this maximum modem speed(bps)?

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Cyborg Agent
im just screwed wit this airtel gprs connection....sucked speeds these days...i ve observed that connection speed is exactly wat i select for my modem speed...now ofcourse thats d way it goes....can ne one tell me whether selecting higer modem speeds like 115.2 kbps, 230.4kbps etc wud boost my speed or harm it or may be twont matter wat i select.
currently i select 115.2kbps n it connects @ that speed...n surfing is decent...i also got connected @ 230.4kbps not that diff....n i can also go down to 57.2kbps....dunno wat airtel does offer d actual transfer rate but mine is usually 3-5kbps may be little higher at night....any idea ppl



Wire muncher!
that is the speed at which ur phone communicates wid ur computer. so increasing that won't matter unless the connection between the phone and airtel server increases!

to get the optimal speed for ur connection, just divide the com port speed by 8 and compare that figure wid the speed that ur bandwidth monitor reports (3-5 kBps or wotever it is in ur case)...if this figure is less than the speed, then select a higher value..if not then messing around wid it will yield no results!


t3h g04t
Airtel GPRS is useful only if u have an edge phone, on mine I get 10-12 KBps max, on a gprs only phone you can expect abt 1/3rd of the speed
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