Wake On WAN Internet - not working


Cyborg Agent
I have Dlink 615 router. PC with AMD Athlon II & Gigabyte 880GM USB3 mobo.
I am able to Wake up the PC on WiFi LAN. (PC is wired to Router) Used the free program available from depicus.com and triggered it from my Laptop also connected to same WiFi n/w.

I am struggling with Wake up over WAN Internet though!

I have set Enabled WAN Ping requests on router & port forwarding to port # 7 on PC’s LAN IP. Now laptop is on internet thru Airtel MO connection & ping to router’s WAN IP has no response. Sending packet using the utility to router’s WAN IP does not wake up the system.

Could there be restrictions from my ISP that’s preventing this from happening? Or am I still missing something.
My PC <=> Router <=> Youtele Shared Modem <=> Youtele Internet

My laptop <=> Airtel MO internet

Any help would be great. Thx
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