vista will run on my pc...?

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In the zone
This is config of my desktop 2 yr old system..........
few days ago,i installed custom version of vista then i got appearence of 16 bit,n there was no chance to change it as it was freezed and always got error update u r drivers,I installed VGA drivers from driver cd then restarted it but i faced message again and again..

is there any way so vista will run smoothly on following configuration.

vista upgrade advisor of ms showing system is able to run vista buisness edn.....





You gave been GXified
Your CPU & RAM are fine. Are you using some graphics card?

One advice, ditch that Custom edition of Vista, i guess it doesn't have proper drivers


Sup' dude, Sup'
yes. I think vista will run on that machine. If you are using onboard D845 GPU, it will not load the Aero.


In the zone
gx_saurav said:
Your CPU & RAM are fine. Are you using some graphics card?

One advice, ditch that Custom edition of Vista, i guess it doesn't have proper drivers

ic.....k thanks........

system dont have any graphic card....


In the zone
i think onboard Memory it have ...64 MB RAM


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Still Shining!
I have a 845 system with P4 2.4 GHz, 512 MB RAM and its running Vista Ultimate. Everything is fine except that aero effect. It will run on your system too, but you won't experience the Wow.


In the zone
Lucky_star said:
I have a 845 system with P4 2.4 GHz, 512 MB RAM and its running Vista Ultimate. Everything is fine except that aero effect. It will run on your system too, but you won't experience the Wow.

Finally installed full version of vista business....but still facing same problem....
getting appearence of 16 bit and i have only 16 bit option to choose under display settings....

unable to move slider in display settings its freezed...

vista is updated.....all drivers i checked online are update too...

why i m unable to adjust display as 32 bit.....

ALL drivers installed proerply...

only one option to select .... ie 16 bit

i read this too but unable to make changes.......

pls suggest me to revert display setting to 32 bit....


Wire muncher!
everything is not installed properly! the grafix driver infact is not installed at all! install the intel 845 grafix drivers (windows xp version). tho it'll run in XPDM mode you'll get full control over the display settings. only thing is that aero won't run.


Still Shining!
My system is showing 32 bit.

I don't know how, but I haven't made any changes to it. Maybe your custom version doesn't support 32 bit in 845. Switch to ultimate.

one thing you try. Uninstall the Graphics adapter. Restart your system and let Vista install the drivers again.
or try what infra_red_dude said.


Wire muncher!
don't use the gfx drivers which vista installs by default. instead pop in the mobo cd and install the winxp i845 gfx drivers. it'll be fine!


In the zone
infra_red_dude said:
don't use the gfx drivers which vista installs by default. instead pop in the mobo cd and install the winxp i845 gfx drivers. it'll be fine!

i followd what u say,,,,,,,,

but still no successs.........

@lucky star....i have vista buisness......its not custom visa........

i got some thing on amazon.....will it work ?

Love Vista Ultimate, February 24, 2007
By Mark C. Childs "CatBurglerV8" (Lahaina, HI.) - See all my reviews

Even though a few drivers are not up to pace yet Vista works great with Intel D845GVSR Micro Board and I have discovered that indeed one can install a PCI Video card and just set the BIOs for PCI instead of Integrated. Right now I'm hoping to find a Video Card that supports DirectX 10 and with WHQL Logo for Windows Vista Drivers that aren't too expensive, so if someone finds a good one, let me know please. I don't know how perhaps leave a review yourself.
PS: Brand is not important. Reliable, steady, well made is where it's at for me.
Thanks in Advance.


infra_red_dude said:
don't use the gfx drivers which vista installs by default. instead pop in the mobo cd and install the winxp i845 gfx drivers. it'll be fine!

got this error.......


How to do this..........
when i remove a driver in device manager, then restart, vista automatically
installs a preconfigured driver. is there any way to disable this?

what i want is for vista to stop and ask, i.e. "new device found, would you
like to search for the best driver or install a driver from a cd or other
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In the zone
infra_red_dude said:
but you'd posted yester that it was working fine. what happened suddenly?

yeah for 10 min i got setting back[ 32 bit]then got BSOD untill now on 16 i removed that screenshot

later on tried every way but didnt got success...

by the way if i want to replace 845 by core 2 duo..which one is best ? and what will be price....?
becoz i think this is only best way ..other wise system will never stable with 845GVSR.
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Wire muncher!
ok you can try this:

goto this link:

download both the grafix and the chipset driver (select windows xp as ur OS). after downding install the chipset driver first. jus double click and let it install. if it gives and error as above then goto the file's properties and run it in compatibility mode (windows xp). reboot. then install the gfx driver. first try widout compatibility mode. if it gives the same error. right click on the gfx driver>properties>compatiblitiy and select windows xp. then try installing the gfx driver and report back.


In the zone
This time i didnt make hurry to post screenshot..took 1 more day to surf with vista...........
Restarted pc then checked setting again..its working nicely withoutt wow effect but i m not expecting that too..

I did ditto u told me and it worked flawlessly........

Thanks to u m8.......



and thanks for being with patience..i was gave up but u didnt ...
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