Vista has 10 or 9?

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King of my own Castle
Vista has Direct X 10 inbuilt.
Infact no other OS has DirectX 10 besides Vista.
Is it usable...i really dont know at this stage cuz i have yet to see any Direct X 10 decent game or application.
Hold your horses a bit as MS is announcing Direct X 10.1

Choto Cheeta

Vista have both, DX 10 and DX 9.0c, when u are running in a Card which doesnt support DX 10.0 vista will run under DX 9.0c, and Vista even shows DX 10 with 6200 LE :p


Always Questioning?
Choto Cheeta said:
Vista have both, DX 10 and DX 9.0c, when u are running in a Card which doesnt support DX 10.0 vista will run under DX 9.0c, and Vista even shows DX 10 with 6200 LE :p

Then, my Card is FX5200 which supports upto DirectX 9, but Vista shows DirectX 10? Why?


why u post ur all post in BOLD????
it seems u want to tell ur words forcefully.. just write simply and hi lite only which are essential
don mind a suggestion only :)


Always Questioning?
Choto Cheeta said:

I am having the same thought... In his every post he is using Bold... :( hearts the eyes :p
I am really Sorry for that.

This is because I hate Slim text in vBulletin, but love it in Phpbb!


NO! but DX 10 is backward compatible with DX 9.0 and 9.0c ...All old games/apps will work with DX10 ;) ..B/w FYI Vista SP1 will release DX v10.1 :D & sadly all old DX 10 gfx cards will become obsolete :(

Choto Cheeta

Drizzling Blur said:
Wait a minute, am i to understand that i can switch from 9 to 10 and vice versa in Vista ?

as said by, rakesh, you cant actually switch between them manually from the OS.... Vista comes with support for both engines DX 10 and DX 9.0... so, its the OS which will chose to under which DX version... it depends on the hardware you are using... if you have a GRFX card DX 10 compatible then it will run under DX 10 other waise will run under DX 9 !!!!
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