VBA script

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Alive Again...
Is their anyone in Digit forum who knows VBA i.e. Visual Basic
& knows writing script in it
I dont have any idea about this & what does VBA does
I have some problem in CorelDraw files
So i asked one of its expert & found a solution
he told that i need to creat 1 Corel/VBA script for my problem
Pls help me if someone know the VBA Script & CorelDraw.........?


VBA is Visual Basic for Applications. It enables applications to provide a scripting interface for their programs... A few software such as Microsoft Office and AutoCAD provide VBA as a means to create macros...

I havent used it in CorelDraw, but I have used in MS Office and AutoCAD a few years back... Can you explain what problem you had, and I will check if you can solve it with VBA



Alive Again...
actually this is for my friend
he has some thousands .cdr (corel) files
around 40GB
he need to convert his .cdr (corel) files into .cmx & again into .cdr
so he need VB script
Like script will open
the File
Than save it as .cmx file
something like this
do anyone has any idea about this


Which version of CorelDraw do you have? Apparently, in X3 version, you can use existing script Visual Basic>Start>File Converter.gms to do that job...

Also, I suggest that you first convert one file to cmx and back to cdr and verify that the process speeds up file loading... Otherwise, you will be spending a lot of time doing something of no use...

Also, you can google for any cdr/cmx batch conversion software...



Alive Again...
sakumar79 said:
Which version of CorelDraw do you have? Apparently, in X3 version, you can use existing script Visual Basic>Start>File Converter.gms to do that job...

Also, I suggest that you first convert one file to cmx and back to cdr and verify that the process speeds up file loading... Otherwise, you will be spending a lot of time doing something of no use...

Also, you can google for any cdr/cmx batch conversion software...


thanks for replying
I searched google for this kind of software but didnt find any one sucessful
ya & i had tried this manually & it really works
my normal file takes 300sec to open
but after converting it into cmx & than again into cdr it open is less than 10sec
so you can understand my problem
I dont know V of Visual Basic Script
So i can understand how to do this
Pls can you make this script
I tried but didnt found any existing script in my CorelDraw X3 version
Pls help me
I cant even use Corel11/12 because all of my files are in Corel13
Pls help me..............?


Do you find the following link of use? *www.corel.com/servlet/Satellite/us/en/Content/1158342664652

EDIT: And how about this one? *groups.google.com/group/corelsuppo...atch+processing&rnum=2&hl=en#5d55f3267b9e2f08

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