well, I will be for sure... Poetry is one thing, but I just don't like to waste my life on some damn woman. I think its better to be a BC and live alone, happily spending all your money one none but yourself and enjoying life.
I even learnt to cook, for the same reason feminists ask women to work.(self security)
hm... well ye u r rite tat we should not waist our time on any women...letss see wat u gona do ? i mean m sure tat u ill gona marry soon...lolz.. nd she ill be lucky to have u.. caz now u know cookin.. !
I have shared enough for 1 GF, thank god I dont have a GF now, let me live in peace and do what I want
is it so. u sure tat u r happy ? nd can u tell me how u proposed her 1st time ? ..
Same here
Same here again...
Mere to saare breakoffs hi feb mien hue the
Saare ??

lolz.... kitne ko pataya tha ??
i am alone by force not by choice.
i am jinxed by some one, just can't get a girl friend.
every one knows that i am single , i do not smoke,drink,dope,etc.
and i am not a "player"( if you know what i mean

while ppl around get gf's some get married too.
uh den watz wrong wid u..? wen u gona get a girl ? if u like nyone then tell her dont be like me ?.. juz aage badho
^Exactly same here.
The one i love also considers me as a good friend.

have u told her tat u love her ??
^ofcourse "we" are either a very good friend or a brother.
they do not understand that we have a very tough time when they come crying to us because "their boyfriend" is this and that.
ye mate u r rite this is the same thing .. wat happend wid my friend..
he lovez her like a crazy.. he can do nything 4 her.. but the things was he never told her !... nd one whom he love , she was sharin all thingz wid him...
but he didnt expressed her feeling

Sorry, I m late *gigasmilies.googlepages.com/4.gif
I agree. *gigasmilies.googlepages.com/1.gif
How old r u? If you r in school...then forget it. Study first.
You love her, fine...but you have no right to impose yourself on her. If she doesn't have feelings for u as anything other then a friend then stay as a friend, You have no right to force her to love u, just cos u love her.
Have the courage to face the reality. Would u prefer a phony love from her for then next 1 year or proper friendship & understanding for lifetime.
Lolz...best quote & way.
You know what I do in these situations??? I simply say this
"Look dear, I say leave him there are better boys out there. If you can't do this then deal with it yourself cos I cannot advice you about this as it's not about me, I don't know about the situation here & what's in his mind. Stop speculating that he might be thinking this or that....& be Practical. He made u cry, even if u both patch up....what if he makes u cry again...will u keep on crying for this jerk???"
" der aaye durust aaaye "
even m agree on tat !.
nd m student studyin in 12th.. nd i know i have study 1st !..
ye.. i know i have no right to impose on her....nd if she doesnt have feelingz den m not gona force her ! .... i ill be her friend till m alive ....
well phony love i didnt get tat ?? i guezz i undestand her very well nd she too understand me very well...
"Look dear, I say leave him there are better boys out there. If you can't do this then deal with it yourself cos I cannot advice you about this as it's not about me, I don't know about the situation here & what's in his mind. Stop speculating that he might be thinking this or that....& be Practical. He made u cry, even if u both patch up....what if he makes u cry again...will u keep on crying for this jerk???"
in diz u r rite !
