uplinking 2 hubs together???? a little confusion.......

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Little confusion:

I have these 2 hubs with uplink port and 16 normal ports each. How do I use this uplink ports to connect these 2 hubs together? I don’t want to use cross over cable to connect the 2 hubs as normally done and suggested as it wastes the 2 slots wherein 2 computers could have been used. As there is the provision of uplink port then why not use them????

So here is my confusion….

1. should I directly connect straight through cable to connect the uplink port in each hub
2. Should I connect one end of straight through cable in one uplink port and the other end to any port in other hub?
3. Should I make a cross over cable and connect the 2 uplink ports one to one?
4. Should I connect one end of cross over cable in one uplink port and the other end to any port in other hub?

By the option 2 and 4, I lose 1 port which actually is not my motto. I just need to use the uplink ports exclusively.

Well, am trying it practically also but ur valuable suggestion would make an insight of it more theoretically.

Thanks for support in adv


Broken In
Firstly you have not mentioned that whether your hub are imbibed with the feature of
If they are not then CHOICE # 2 and # 4 are VOID
So you are left with Choice # 1 and #3
Going back to basic.Hub is the 2nd layer device.THE GOLDEN RULE.
"Simillar devices CROSS CABLE and Disimillar device straight cabe"
So following the rule You are only left with Choice # 3 and that is the best Choice i can make here.

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