Unable to mount all ntfs drives in fedora3.mount one ntfs,

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I tries to mount ntfs drives,but i mount only one drive,problem is that not able to mount all drives of ntfs,i tries all the forums of thinkdigit,but no one give the perfect answer,thats why i think to start a new forum,can anyone tell me clear cut method of mounting all ntfs drives,the way i mount drive is
first, login as root.
next, launch terminal and type this: uname -r
note the kernel version of your Fedora Core 3.

next, go to: NTFS rpms and download the appropriate rpm package for
installing the ntfs kernel.

next, in terminal type this command from the folder in which the
downloaded rpm is there:
rpm -ivh ****.rpm
to install the ntfs kernel.

note: replace ****.rpm with the exact name of the rpm package.

next, load the kernel by typing:
/sbin/modprobe ntfs

create a folder ntfsdrive in /mnt

mount your ntfs partition by typing:
mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/ntfsdrive -t ntfs -r -o umask=0222

also, go to the folder /etc
edit fstab file and add this line:
/dev/hda1 /mnt/ntfsdrive ntfs ro,umask=0222 0 0

in all this, I assume that hda1 is the partition that you want to mount.
from now on, linux will automatically mount the hda1 partition for you
when it loads.

i installed proper rpm kernel,and also mount one of the ntfs drive,but the problem is can i mount all ntfs
I am new to linux,doing the best i can but still i am unable to mount all drives,
so tell me where i was wrong in mounting the drives
help me out


Right off the assembly line
neeraj looks like you are trying to mount all your ntfs partitions to the same directory i.e. /mnt/ntfsdrive. this will not work.

you need to make a different directory in /mnt for different partitions and then mount then accourdingly. for example: ntfsdrive1 for hda1, ntfsdrive2 for hda2 and so on.

if it still doesn't work then tell us the exact error you are getting by noting it down from the terminal window.
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