top end speakers........which to buy???

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Right off the assembly line
i have just got a new comp PIV 3.0 Ghz intel 915 GAV motherboard
which supports upto 6 channel sound

i want to buy a good amplifer spekers system but dont know which to o in for my budjet is Rs. 20,000 max. will be even connecting my TV and other devices to it, so it has to be Compatible with others too

pls help


 Macboy
Logitech Z5500D if you can push the budget to about 23k. If you can't do that then settle for the Megaworks 550 system.

I own the Logitech Z5500D and it is the best investment that i could have made. The sound quality is too good. Also, you can simultaneously connect 6 devices to its control center. Look no further if you have the budget...


In Deniel
You could also settle for a Logitech Z5300 Digital 5.1 Speakers, the only diffrence present between Z5500 and Z5300 is that Z5500 has an External Dolby Digital/dts Decoder, while Z5300 Doesn't; however, both Speakers sport almost same specifications except Z5500 having 500W RMS while Z5300 has 280W RMS, if you don't want to exceed 20k budget, you really can't find any better speakers than Z5300, if you can, than Go get Z5500 they are awesome :) if 5.1 isn't your type you could settle for Altec Lansing MX5021 Speakers, their THX Certified and cost Rs.9,200. Hope this helps :D

quad master

In the zone
Z5300 is 280W RMS
Link:- *,crid=2172&categoryid=422

Also its Altec Lansing MX5021 not 5020
Z5300 is 11-12K [THX Certified + wired remote]
Z5500 @ 23K not sure
price might have come down last time i heard it was 27K.


In Deniel
Message Edited, Creative 550 is great, but the black design may not appeal to everyone.


 Macboy
Are you saying that the creative 550 is better than the Logitech 5500D? I dont think so. The 10 inch sub that logitech has provided provides for far superior bass than that of creative which sounds a bit hollow. It is good no doubt but not better....

And this decoder that you get along with the logitech, its amazing. I am now watching actually stereo sound upgraded to 5.1 channel sound all because of the decoder. Friends never sounded better...
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