The Walking Dead: The Game


as Kratos
The Walking Dead: The Game



The Walking Dead is a point-and-click adventure game, played from a third-person perspective with a variety of cinematic camera angles, in which the player, as the protagonist Lee Everett, works with a rag-tag group of survivors of a zombie apocalypse to stay alive and reach help. The player can examine and interact with characters and items. The player must make use of inventory items and the environment, though these are presented simply as an option when interacting with other characters or objects; in one example, the player may be able to look at a character, talk to the character, or if they are carrying a food item, offer that to the character. According to the comic's creator Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead game is more focused on developing characters and story and less on action that is featured in other zombie-based games, such as Left 4 Dead.

Some conversation trees with characters require the player to make a selection within a limited time or otherwise Lee will remain quiet, which can affect a character's disposition to them. At other times in more action-based sequences, the player must follow on-screen prompts for quick time events to keep themselves or other characters alive; failure to do so will require the player to restart the game just before the quick time event. Other timed points are major decisions, such as choosing which of two characters to keep alive.
The players have an option of turning on a "choice notification" element, in which they would be told through the game's interface that a character has changed their disposition towards you. Each episode contains five points where the player makes a significant decision between two options; through Telltale's servers, the game tracks how many players selected which option and lets the player compare their choices to the rest of the player base. The game can be completed regardless what choices are made, though the impact on the story will change based on these. The game does allow the player to make multiple saves, and includes a "rewind" feature where the player can back up and alter a previous decision made, allowing the player to explore the impact of the various choices made.


The Walking Dead was awarded "Game of the Year", "Best Adapted Video Game", and "Best Downloadable Game" for the 20.
The Walking Dead also garnered 2012 "Game of the Year" awards from Wired, Complex, GamesRadar and Official Xbox Magazine.
The Walking Dead has garnered 26 known Game of the Year awards from major publications.

My Rating - 5/5 The gameplay and story is one the best I played in a video game.


Conversation Architect
finally.. a thread on one the best games this year. this maybe a simple Point and click game, but gameplay, story, voice acting, graphics are spot on. the play of emotions have been done in an awesome manner and the game implores you to Think. The devs say that the series is Tailor made by the decisions the player takes and this is absolutely true. decisions taken in the first part of the game has implications in the last part.

truly a must play.
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