The 'Hidden' Enhanced Disk Cleanup Tool in Windows Vista

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Distinguished Member
Windows Vista,ofcourse, comes with the built-in disk cleanup tool that helps free up space on your hard-drive when things get crowded in your hard-drive.

But there is also an Enhanced version of the Disk Cleanup tool ! It basically just has more options for you to choose so you can delete some addl files.

to access it just run it or type

cleanmgr /sageset:1

and hit enter.


Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
Its not Easter egg and not new in Vista.
It was also in XP and I mentioned it in my "How to FREE space in Windows" tut. :D

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
Its not hidden. Disk Cleanup can be accessed from Startmenu as well as Drive properties. But this command extends its capabilities. ;)


Distinguished Member
i think what he is trying to ask ask is then y keep these capabilities "hidden" ;-)

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
bcoz these settings are for power users, who want to free as much space as they can. :D
So they didnt enable those files by default for normal users.
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