System Wife 1.0 & Girlfriend 7.0

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Ambassador of Buzz
even if it is GF 7.0, but as all previous versions, this also tries to upgrade itself to WIFE 1.0.
Why can't it stay GF *.* only?


entrana said:
wheres son 1.0 or daughter 1.5

yeah we hv completley forgotten about son 1.0 and daughter 1.5

dad loves daughter 1.5 very much that's why he also loves wife 1.0

also his love for daugther 1.5 is soo much that he can never think of installing spywares and viruses to wife 1.0 so that they create back doors for install of divorce 3.2

instead now all in all daugther 1.5 is an excellent communication medium to communicate with wife 1.0
and daugher 1.5 results in increase in the size of love 1.0 at any point of time
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