Suggest a mobo + graphics card under 6k

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Right off the assembly line
I am upgrading my pc. I have already decided on CPU as E7300 core 2 duo. But can't decide on mobo and graphics card combination. Please suggest combo, my budget is 6k.


Point Blanc
DG31 chipset mobo from Asus 2.5-3K and rest in gfx card 9400GT or 9500GT whichever comes in the remaining price.

I do not know the exact mobo name of it.
If you want a better mobo then buy P35 chipset mobo MSI P35 Neo-F would cost 4-4.5K rest in GPU, likes of 8400GS or 8500GT which are very low end GPUs.


Right off the assembly line
Thanks for your reply acewin. I don't know much about mobos/graphics card but i have shortlisted following motherboards
Asus P5k PLVM OR
Gigabyte GA-G33-DS3R
along with 8600GT graphics card

Is this fine? I am not a heavy gamer.
Also which 8600GT card should i go for? any suggestions.


Point Blanc
Asus, is one of the cheapest comes in 2.5-2.8K >> it would be 8600GT 256 MB DDR3
do not buy 512 MB DDR2 model.

Gigabyte GA-G33-DS3R Price around 6-7K
If that is your choice then buy MSI P45 Neo-F or
So in low range it is Asus P5k PLVM would cost you 2.5-2.8K and then get a 9500GT or 9400GT in around 3.5-4K is its ok
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