Submenu take long time to appear

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Right off the assembly line
Hello Friends!

I am using windows 2000 professional. In windows explorer or Desktop when I click right button and select New from popup menu it takes long time to appear submenu.
What is the reason and how to resolve this?



I have XPPro....the same thing happens to me. although it takes time oly the first time....after it has opened once, it opens really fast.....

maybe it gets registered in the RAM after the first time :lol:

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
It takes time when too many items r present in NEW menu!

U can use Tweak UI to remove the unwanted items from the list and then it'll open faster than b4...


in winxp if u remove the delay it will be just a little help,

open the registry files, search ¨showdelay¨, just the values and put them all to 0, there will be many entries, logoff and login again and there should be a diff of 400ms

although ur problem is too many items in menu or less ram, but u can atleast avoid the delay


Right off the assembly line
There are only 10 item in 'NEW' menu. I think this is not too much. Problem is from last few days before it was working fine.
It take time everytime i click on New menu not only first time. ShowDelay time in registry editor is also default value 400ms. 1 GB RAM is also sufficient.


equebal said:
There are only 10 item in 'NEW' menu. I think this is not too much. Problem is from last few days before it was working fine.
It take time everytime i click on New menu not only first time. ShowDelay time in registry editor is also default value 400ms. 1 GB RAM is also sufficient.
set all thise 400ms to 0ms


In the zone
click on start>RUN and type REGEDIT and explorer like wondow wil popup
then select HKEY_CURRENT_USER>control panel>Desktop on the desktop tab u will find lotsa registries on the right side and one of them being menushowdelay doulbe click on it and change it value from 400(default)to 0.and watch those menus fly :D


phatratt said:
click on start>RUN and type REGEDIT and explorer like wondow wil popup
then select HKEY_CURRENT_USER>control panel>Desktop on the desktop tab u will find lotsa registries on the right side and one of them being menushowdelay doulbe click on it and change it value from 400(default)to 0.and watch those menus fly :D

well that is what i said,
insted i said search all the menushodelay and put them to 0


Right off the assembly line
Kniwor said:
phatratt said:
click on start>RUN and type REGEDIT and explorer like wondow wil popup
then select HKEY_CURRENT_USER>control panel>Desktop on the desktop tab u will find lotsa registries on the right side and one of them being menushowdelay doulbe click on it and change it value from 400(default)to 0.and watch those menus fly :D

well that is what i said,
insted i said search all the menushodelay and put them to 0

I changed all value for MenuShowDelay to 0 but problem is same. Changing value to 0 can't solve problem because default delay is only 400ms and My menu is taking almost 12 second time.

one thing I want to clear again that problem is only with 'New' submenu.

1. in Windows explorer File -> New
2. Right Click and select New from popup menu
3. Right click on Desktop and select New from Popup Menu.


Right off the assembly line

I removed few items from menu and now it is working fine. My problem is solved but I could not understand reason behind this. Previously it was working fine with same menu items (10 itmes) but now working after remove 4 items.
Thanks all four replay.


be be u had some broken shortcuts in the menu, or shortcut in some removable media or something like that.
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