set all thise 400ms to 0msequebal said:There are only 10 item in 'NEW' menu. I think this is not too much. Problem is from last few days before it was working fine.
It take time everytime i click on New menu not only first time. ShowDelay time in registry editor is also default value 400ms. 1 GB RAM is also sufficient.
for all submenusvijay_7287 said:^^^
i think tht is only for the startmenu
phatratt said:click on start>RUN and type REGEDIT and explorer like wondow wil popup
then select HKEY_CURRENT_USER>control panel>Desktop on the desktop tab u will find lotsa registries on the right side and one of them being menushowdelay doulbe click on it and change it value from 400(default)to 0.and watch those menus fly
Kniwor said:phatratt said:click on start>RUN and type REGEDIT and explorer like wondow wil popup
then select HKEY_CURRENT_USER>control panel>Desktop on the desktop tab u will find lotsa registries on the right side and one of them being menushowdelay doulbe click on it and change it value from 400(default)to 0.and watch those menus fly
well that is what i said,
insted i said search all the menushodelay and put them to 0