I am planning for a part time job.
what i really want is to setup a service like "Mytoday", "SMSGupShup" and "Indiatimes mobile". they have their own numbers like 58888 or 567673434.
now how do i do that, what all things i would need.
hope you got my point.
if not than lemme explain you further.
i want to get a number something like i have mentioned above and people will subscribe to the service by sending n SMS with special commands like "JOIN or SUBSCRIBE" to that number, thus creating a Messaging list. And to this list i will post msgs which will reach to all the subscribers.
i m a novice in this, so can anyone here help me with this or atleast give some idea about it.
I am planning for a part time job.
what i really want is to setup a service like "Mytoday", "SMSGupShup" and "Indiatimes mobile". they have their own numbers like 58888 or 567673434.
now how do i do that, what all things i would need.
hope you got my point.
if not than lemme explain you further.
i want to get a number something like i have mentioned above and people will subscribe to the service by sending n SMS with special commands like "JOIN or SUBSCRIBE" to that number, thus creating a Messaging list. And to this list i will post msgs which will reach to all the subscribers.
i m a novice in this, so can anyone here help me with this or atleast give some idea about it.