Yesterday again… My PC is unable to log in to the Windows 10 OS.
I check in Bios… All disks are shown properly.
When I reboot and select the Windows installation disk while pressing F11.
Unable to log in, the system restarts again or sometimes shows a BSOD.
I tried to repair the Windows OS and system restore… Nothing worked.
Finally… Installed again Fresh Windows 10 OS.
unable to resolve this issues?
It seems your PSU isn't able to take the load. For me also same happened. I wracked my brains and then somebody from TE told me check OCCT PSU power test and when I did it restarted within 5 mins and after I replaced it with a new PSU and did the same test , it ran without restarting.
Later I think because of either AMD or MS not giving support for older AM4 hardware for problems that arose my PC used to freeze and give BSODs so I tried to eliminate one problem at a time. While playing Cyberpunk or Witcher 3 it flatlines and tells me to send diagnostic data to AMD. So I again searched through AMD & MS forums and found that AMDfTPM is causing problems which AMD or MS should have solved the problem by giving an update but they did not since its EOL platform. So now I stopped playing games and am only browsing forums or reddit likewise and now those flatlining stopped.
I am in the process of moving into another new platform. So keeping my fingers crossed.
Did you check the SSD also once. I read somewhere that updating the SSD software solved the crashing to some. I mean like Kingston Fury Renegade NVME SSD and Patriot Viper NVME SSD. So check also this once. Okay.