Speed up transfer between laptop and destop


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I've got a desktop (P4 3.0 Ghz, 2 GB DDR2 RAM, motherboard Intel DG102GGC2) and a laptop (i3 2.4 Ghz, 4 GB DDR3 RAM). I've connected them both with a 150 MBPS wireless router

Both computers are running Win 7. The desktop is connected by cable, and the laptop by wireless. When I transfer files between the two computers, I get only from half to one mbps speed. At one mbps, it takes 700 seconds to transfer one CD.

If the router is 150 mbps, why am I getting so low speeds, and how do I speed it up to about 10 or 20 mbps? If I get a 300 mbps router, will I get better speeds?


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150mbps=(150/8)=18.75MB/s max so average is ~16-17MB/s assuming full signal strength(no walls/obstacles in between & within 2m radius).if even under all such conditions you get ~1MB/s then check/disable firewall on both systems & then try.
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