Speech Recognition Software Where It Will Store

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Broken In
We are using speech recognition software and to recognise our voice, it asks for a sample data to read to identify our voice and pronounciation styles. Now, we read sample data in a PC and that speech recognition sample data will be stored in the PC. It will type in the text format whenever we dictate text.

The problem is if I want to do in another PC again I have to train that PC and read the sample text in that PC with my voice. Like this, it will be difficult to train every PC. Is there any solution for this please?

(a) Where this sample data (sample voice which I train in the PC) will be stored.
(b) Can I copy this file and install in any other PC whereever I want to dictate ?
(c) If I can be able to copy, from which directory or folder I can copy this and how to instlal this in other PCs.
(d) can any body guide me in this respect?



In the zone
@TVB Raju
Hey! I tried to find out where ur file is saved but all in vein. but still i'll tell how did i tried.

I first copied all the MSoffice folders at some other place. Now i added 3 more speech profiles form controlpanel->speech

Then i saved them (Apply -> Ok)

ok then i tried to compare the original ms office folders and the ones which i copied previously..to detect that is there any change in any folder or file. to compare this i used some files comparing softwares..google it.

But i couldnt find any file changed.
but u can try this with any other sound recogniition sofware, if u use an other except Office XP.
or u can take help of any strong and strict and minutely observing files comparing software to detect the changes. its on u.
Kuck pane ke liye mahenat to karni padegi.

*I thought this is the only way to check where such files are stored. if anyon else knows any other method pls provide us with it.
and if any one could tell the file name, it would be well and good.

Hope for the best!


Broken In
the speech recoginition is not by just recording the sound files..its by using aritifical neural network for extracting the patterns and nature of ur voice and it will save that features in a simple text file and then using that text files for recogition...


Tux Fan
Ramakrishnan said:
look for files with the extension wav or any other sound format. That could be the file
it is definately not wav files. the speech recognition patterns are stored in the windows user settings or office settions as data files. you could try moving the entire documents and settings folder to the next comp. however imm not sure it would work.
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