Some doubts from Computer Architecture


In the zone
If anyone happens to have Computer System Architecture, 3rd edition by M. Morris Mano could they verify that diagrams 4-bit combinational circuit shifter, and One stage of arithmetic logic shift unit (Chapter 4) are correct.
(Same diagrams are on page 47, 48 of this slideshow CO By Rakesh Roshan )

In combinational circuit shifter,
I believe that a shift left would retain LSB and remove MSB (bits will be moved down in the diagram), and serial input would be connected to LSB, the book does quite the opposite.

and in Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit, a shl must require A(i-1)th bit for shifting left, not the A(i+1)th.

I also need verification of DMA transfer diiagram in chapter 11. I think that arrows between DMA controller and Peripheral device are misplaced, and the arrow between CPU/DMA controller for Bus Grant signal is bidirectional which should be directed only towards DMA controller.

I have a book from 2004, but my friends who have recent reprints have same diagrams, and it's quite confusing.


Broken In
There are many issues with This edition as I have also Read this book. I think you should refer an alternative book & get your Queries cleared as I have now given the Exams of this subject & My mind is totally flashed!
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