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Certified Nutz
If you have downloaded the iso image, just burn it on to a CD. See this page: *

Or if you have downloaded the Slax for USB, just unzip the contents onto your flash drive and run bootinst.bat from the directory named boot to make the OS boot from your flash drive.

If you need Slax installed on your hard disk, then you need to have a FAT partition AFAIK. See this page: *

I wouldn't recommend you installing Slax on your hard disk. Slax is meant to be a live boot Linux distro. Just use it to get your feet wet in the Linux environment. If you need to install Linux on your hard drive, better go for Ubuntu.


Linux User
I agree with sreevirus. Do not install SLAX on harddisk. If you like it a lot then go for Slackware. SLAX is based on Slackware only. Even though Slackware is a pretty fine distro, one must have a little bit knowledge of Linux conf files. You will have to setup a few things manually in Slackware. No intentions to discouraging you. A quick read of Slackbook will give you in-depth knowledge of Slackware and Linux in general. You will learn a lot, definitely.

Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSUSE and a few other distros are fine for new users.
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