session expired???? what is this???

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am on for rediff site wherein i check mails regularly. well, recently i have encountered a problem wherein the site automatically logs me out after certain period after which i have to login again. this was not a problem earlier.

this problem was seen in IE and for this reason i have swithced to Firefox, here also am facing the same problem.

is it that the rediff server is making time contrains or the my computer has got some infections that is making this nuisence. pls help me out as this has really become irretanent.



In the zone
This can be because of increased security nowadays since people leave their mail account when not on the PC which increases security issues. Check if your mail options have session timeout... If not keep doing something on the mail acocunt every 2-5 minutes


yes .... after a certain period of inactivity almost all web based e-mail providers log you out for security reasons .....
i m afraid u cant do anything abt it ..... jus keep doing something with your account as anubhav_har said...


Certified Nutz
well, if u r using firefox, try this:
install the add n edit cookies extension.
restart firefox and log into ur rediff account. now, go to tools>cookie editor. in the window that pops, scroll down to the cookies and click on edit. now, set a new expiration time for the cookies, say a month ahead.

i dont know if this will work for sure, but i use it to edit cookies for forums so that i dont have to log in everytime.


Just a security cocerning thing. not to worry. relogin...
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