"Say Goodbye to Tomshardware.com"

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Distinguished Member
"...the demise of one of the first hardware related websites on the web have made it to the surface recently and have come as somewhat of a shock to many. But this shouldn't be the case, because it's been a long habit of companies to take in as much as they can, when an opportunity is presented to them.

The initial rumor was that the website had been sold for somewhere between $15 and $20 million, with new updates on the news being made available by theinquirer.net. It seems that TG Publishing, the publisher of Tom's Hardware Guide website had been sold, and the buyer appears to be a French company called Best of Media..."


hope it continues to remain as good and as objective, in future too !


ThE oNE & ONlY ??
if its not the same... then its sad... if its going to be better then itll be great !
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