RMA process for Western Digital?


I bought a wd 2 tb blue hdd around 5-6 months ago.However of late it has been emitting a strange clicking sound occasionally-this didn't look like a good sign and so i checked it using Crystal Disk info and discovered that it has developed around 180 bad sectors!

This is the first time that i WD drive that i owned started malfunctioning so soon after purchase.Having never RMA'd any WD drives before,i am rather unfamiliar with the procedure to get it done.

What steps should i take to RMA this drive?I have the bill that was supplied by the store while buying the drive,but i didn't register this drive on WD's website after purchase.Do i need to send them any emails for this?

Also can anyone tell me the address of WD's service center in kolkata?How long do they normally take to replace a faulty drive?


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Current & worst values(& also threshold) are only indicators,they are not actual values.Raw values are the actual values of a parameter in hdd SMART.In crystaldiskinfo go to function--advanced feature--raw values & select 10[DEC] to see these raw values in standard decimal number system values(by default they are shown in hexadecimal system,1D7=471).

Find WD rma centre in kolkata on their site & if possible go directly there with bill.


While trying to register the drive on wd's support portal i observed that the bill i received from the shop is having an incorrect serial number-they have mistakenly typed a 'b' which should have been a 'd', the remaining characters are ok however.

As a result initially i couldn't register it as the s/no given in the bill was being shown as invalid. But on entering the proper serial it was successful.

Now the problem is if take it to their service center and they find that the serial is incorrect, will they still accept it for RMA?

Should i contact the shop from where it was purchased and ask them for a fresh bill?

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i tested the drive using WD lifeguard diagnostic tool but it shows the smart status as "PASS",i also performed a quick test using this app and that shows "PASS" as well,which is really odd to say the least.

I dont understand why wd lifeguard can detect no fault in this drive despite the fact that crystal disk info is clearly showing that this drive has issues.

So if i send it for RMA and their service center tests this drive using the same tool(WD lifeguard)and concludes that its working properly,are they going to return it to it me as is,without replacing?

Btw i contacted the shop from where i bought it,they said if i take it to them they can get it replaced from their service center-will it be a better idea to get them to rma it rather than doing it myself?

(ps- i enabled the option to view the decimal raw values,and thereafter it displays 538 under reallocated sectors count section)


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Usually WD accept tools like crystaldiskinfo reporting too many reallocated sectors.WD's own tool will only show fail once the values are too high(aka almost near to the limit).
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