~~~~~~Restart Problem~~~~~~

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When I restart my computer then the Windows doesn't load and whenever I resume from standby or from Hibernate mode same problem occurs. I have to wait atleast 10 to 15 mins. so to start Windows properly.
The problem is that the boot screen appears evrytime but then the screen goes blank.
I have scanned my system with Norton, McAfee, Ad-Aware, Spybot and Kaspersky.I don't think it could be any virus.
I have even re-installed my OS but the same problem occurs everytime.
I have ASUS motherboard, AMD-64 bit 2800+ processor, 512 DDR ram & 80 GB hard-disk.
Please friends help!!!!!!!


Cyborg Agent
might be due to faulty RAM modules or the RAM sockets or due to overheating of the proccy or due to a faulty SMPS


How old is your AMD unit?
See if you have enabled System Scan at Startup for the Antivirus you are using.
It would be nice if you can give a printscreen( ALT + PRINTSCREEN ) of your msconfig -> Startup
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