Request your Signature/Avatar/Logo Here

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Krazzy Warrior

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
salakhon par??
You mean on bars?
obviously :D Huslter dont deserve anything better than that!!:lol:

looking at the type of Avatars and Signatures, it makes me laugh.. no offense, but you guys should improve your skills, and really it's need lot of work... try and try some tutorials from it.. naabs..
See my Signature and learn..

P.S: this was a wallpaper that I made for my friend..

Now don't ask me to make siggy's and all that.. :p
woho!!!really really nice...n1:cool: i m beginner in photo-editing... I made this thread so that i can improve my skill in photo-designing !!!:wink:

Krazy Bluez

Banned to Spam
woho!!!really really nice...n1:cool: i m beginner in photo-editing... I made this thread so that i can improve my skill in photo-designing !!!:wink:

I wasn't intended to tell you, you are really improving btw, and I know Open Source rocks, still try to use Photoshop CS3 or something, it will only help you in the future, and one more thing, just try to learn from tutorials as much as you can, there are loads of them, but the one that I posted before is really nice, all detailed images and step-by-step procedure, (i'm not promoting the site btw) so best of luck to you for the future.. :D
Krazzy Warrior

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
^^hehe!! i know that photoshop is the software which goona help me out in long run...I already downloaded photoshop cs3 for *cough* and have installed it...okay, from now onward i gonna use photoshop for my making all arts...i visited that site and its really really nice..a nice collection of quality tutorial with step to step instruction!! ;) okay, i will be learning and following tuts given at that site and will post the outcome here for sure!! :) thx for suggestion and psdtuts site.....
Krazzy Warrior

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
aww guys i m really really busy! will not be able to complete ur request for some weeks.. btw what kind of avatar u want Hustler??


nyone can make one fr me...
related 2 dante(dmc)..preferably of dmc3...
wit ApoCalypse written in bold black...
nd "the end is near" in subtitle...
pls try
Krazzy Warrior

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
^^^^^ (le kar diya :D) hope u will like it


This one is for Hustler Bhaiya who is a great POP fan:-

I have used the same technique in making both of them....


le kar diya
i could'nt do it den as i wuz playin in a clan match...ow i can still feel d DE rounds in ma head...Not to mention d snipers..damn!

The Conqueror

Can I renew my pic as well? Something that matches my username!!
Krazzy Warrior

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
^^ My simple google search ended up with this:-

I can remove that "s" from Conquerors and put "The" before if u want...If you like this pic, reply, and i'll do the necessary changes and if not, than for god sake provide me with a pic...:)
Krazzy Warrior

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
^^Well, the fact lies on the thing that I tried Photoshop CS3 (got it from *cough*) and founded it quite awkward(dunno why):|...I know that it long run its Photoshop that gonna help me but still, frankly speaking i don't have enough time(atleast till April) to start/learn photo-designing from a new end(by reading Photoshop tuts)..Anyways thanks for the suggestion and i will definitely look forward to learn photoshop in future..:)
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