Req Tutorial on: 'Software publishing for newbees'

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-The BlacKCoaT Operative-
Hi all,

1st of all i know there is already a thread for req tutos but i felt i can start a new thread for this.

I would like to know what a person can do to make his software popular. for eg i have developed a few utilities in the past years but they did not get the right exposure and i did not know how.

Specifically what i wanted to know was: (all free stuff please)

1. Choosing a hosting service and Creating a website of the software
2. Making search engines aware of the site
3. Which sites like, and how to publish the software there
4. How to write a End user agreement, Licence agreement or open source agreement
5. General promoting tips(advt, groups, forums, publishing in local mags like digit etc)
6. How to integrate 'Donate' function and minimium req for it
7. Guide lines if any for the user-interface designs of the software
8. Tracking no of downloads/users
9. And finally how to use the software as a credential for one's career/advantage
10. also for those who want to sell their software, how to setup a reliable cyber shop.
11. howto for Email/newsletter for the users/downloaders
any other stuff u think i important for a noob software publisher

Please answer the questions in reference to a student or a noob programmer and in short.

Basically i am a hobby programmer and i have developed a few utilities and would like to expose them in the correct way. Some of u may be aware of a utility i am developing called Torrent X-Ray (Please answer for this perticular software where possible)

A lot of people would benifit from this. Thanks a lot.
@Mods: consider this for a sticky
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