Read Linux partitions from Windows!!

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The Devil
There are a couple of softwares that allow you to do that. Here are some of them

Explorer2fs --- reads ext2/ext3 partitions

YAReG -- reads reiser partitions

There is another one that claims to read ext2/ext3/reiser partitions, but it failed to read my reiser partition :( Anyway, here it is

UFS Explorer

All the tools provide only read-only access which ensures that you dont mess around your linux partitions from windows.


Commander in Chief
and whoever told you we cant write to EXT3/EXT2 partitions from windows...

ever tried EXT2IFS ?
It integrates with the OS so you can d/l files directly into the HDD of linux from windows, coz its jus another partition on it :D


The Devil
QwertyManiac said:
and whoever told you we cant write to EXT3/EXT2 partitions from windows...

ever tried EXT2IFS ?

What can EXT2IFS do?

EXT2IFS is a read only driver. It provides access similar to other read only media like CDs. You can view directory listings and read files. You can not write files, add files, delete files etc.

You can share your ext filesystems so they can be read over the network. This has not been fully tested but I don't know of any reason why it should not work.

Source: *

I havent tried it though, becoz my partition is resier and YAReG does not write into it.
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