Problem installing Ubuntu 7.04/Mandriva 2007!!

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My system configuration is:
MoBo: MSI K8N-SLI Platinum
Proc: AMD Athlon64 4800+
GFX Card: XFX 6600GT PCIe
Monitor: Samsung SyncMaster 997DF (19" CRT)

The problem is that when I try to install Ubuntu 7.04 all I see is garbled screen during the installation. Hence I cannot install Ubuntu as I can't see anything on the monitor. I thought that this might be due to some hardware driver problem (incompatibility) and hence decided to install Mandriva 2007 Spring edition instead. Here, while I was able to install Mandriva correctly and during installation though I could choose my monitor and GFX card (shown as GF-GF7 series) I still ended up with garbled screen. I decided to boot through init level 3 (non-GUI) and install the latest NVIDIA drivers but here the driver was not able to find the kernel source package installed on the system. Mandrake doesn't even give choice, to keep the source packages, during installation (like SUSE).

What should I do to keep either of the Linux OS working?


left this forum longback
try ubuntu.use * for nvidia display driver installation.for 2D,u can use "nv" driver for nvidia.procedure includes when u see those X fails(garbled...),press CTRL+ALT+F1 or F2..F6 to get a console terminal.there,try below command and choose "nv" or if that fails "vesa" as driver.
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
another idea is if u can use a console editor nano,then go to /etc/X11/xorg.conf and edit Section "Device" driver as:
Section "Device"
        Identifier      "nVidia Corporation  [GeForce 6600 GT]"
        Driver          [B]"nv"[/B]
        BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"
save and exit;try starting gdm.also use * reg nvidia proprietory(3D) driver installation later.(after u get a gui gnome)
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