Post ur steam,origin,uplay and r* social club ID here


Federal Agent Area 51
Staff member
Hii everyone post ur id here so we can add each other. I'm posting this thread because my Uplay and Rockstar Social Club is a desert without friends.. So I start with mine.

Everyone, you can submit your ID's here: Post ur Game IDs here

And can view the database in this Sheet (visible only with this link): Spreadsheet with the ID's
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Conversation Architect
wasnt there an older thread for this purpose ??


Steam: *ancient_Mariner*
Origin: ancientMariner14
PSN: anirbandd


Living to Play
Yeah there was a older thread for this as well.....Lemme dig it out.

In the meantime
Steam, Origin, Rockstar Club - Gameranand
Ubiplay - anandgamer
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