Point and Shoot in 8k


Hi friends,

I am looking for a point and shoot in and around the 8k range.
Since this will be my first camera, I am not very sure of the specs I want.

An all round performer will do as I will use the camera for mainly daily life shooting.
I hardly record videos so don't want to put much stress on that feature.

After some browsing and my friends' suggestions I found 2 good options :
1. Sony CyberShot DSC W570
2. Nikon CoolPix S3100

Please advice me which of the two is a better buy and if there are any other models that I should consider.

P.S: I'd prefer something from Nikon.

Thanks in advance.


Thanks sujoyp.

Is there any other (better) Nikon model around the 8-9k range which I can consider?

Also, (although I am a little inclined towards Nikon) I am open for suggestions from other brands as long as I am getting a better deal..

please suggest..
See if you can get a canon that supports CHDK. This is an aftermarket firmware that boots off the memory card which makes performing more complex tasks with your P&S like manually adjusting exact ISO/shutter, time-lapse photography, etc possible.
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