plz help regarding biosinfo.inf

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Right off the assembly line
hii everyone
i have a mercury 845 g day whil;e booting windows xp ablue screen appeared and it read any bios update s/changes like shadowing /caching must be undone, and windows never booted from there on.
itried to install new windows but it gave an error message "biosinfo.inf" is corrupt .
what should i do now??


Ambassador of Buzz
did it happen when around the time when you were upgrading XP or running any setup?
Do you have Norton installed?
This corruption occurs due to such softwares that are installed previously on the OS.

Since you cannot boot, there's no point explaining you how to come over it.

All blue screen error that come up have this common message:
"Change any updates like Shadowing/Caching"

But the important thing in it is the line after
Technical Information ( something like this):

STOP: 0*000076....

This tells you the problem you're having. Other than this, there maybe some other problems such as drivers which are also listed:
Windrv.sys, system32.dll, etc.

One should always note down such things. Did you get any of this kinda info? Please post it here then.

Such problems are not always resolved by Reinstallation, as they maybe connected with a Hardware.


Right off the assembly line
thanx yrana2002 for ur reply
i have got the error message
"***STOP: 0x0000007B(0xF8FFB640,0xC0000034,0x00000000,0x00000000)"
plz refer n reply


Right off the assembly line
yes that happened when i was reinstalling the windows and i had previously installed norton 2005


Ambassador of Buzz
There maybe a number of issues related with such an error.
Since all cannot be listed here, check this link:
0x0000007B Troubleshoot

I would be eager to know if you solve your problem or not. :lol:
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