Please suggest monitor for 5k (incl. second hand)


1. Budget - Rs. 5000 Max (willing to check out second hand if deal's better)

2. Display type and size? (Atleast 18-19 inches). Max native resolution 1440x900. Its because my current rig(which is a 7 year old gaming rig, detailed below) would not be able to handle anything higher. If the suggested monitor has a higher native resolution but looks sharp on lower resolutions for gaming I wouldn't mind buying it for future proofing purposes.

3. Primary use of monitor? Reading, watching tv shows/movies, gaming. I read quite a lot on the web, so would need something that is pleasant on the eyes for long duration reading.

4. Ports Required? VGA, DVI.

5. Preferred choice of brand? None

6. Any TV/monitor in consideration? No

7. Any other info that you want to share. My current rig configuration is as below for your reference -

Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 2.2Ghz
MSI 8800gt 512MB
2x2GB Corsair DDR2 800 RAM
Windows 7 32bit
1TB Samsung 7200rpm HDD

Thanks in advance! :)
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