Please help me assemble a PC @Rs30k

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minimum :
core2duo processor
preferrably Intel motherboard

also, should have good audio-visual performance. may be used for moderate grapfic design. gaming is low priority.

your suggestions eagerly awaited.

thanks a lot.
also please tell the preferred brands.
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what do you want in your config???

neways here's a config without gpu , ups, speakers. although 30k is pretty low for a C2D config, it can be managed.

e6300 = 9k
asus p5ld2 = 4.5k
Samsung Syncmaster 794 (17in) = 4.5k
liteon dvd/rw = 2k
seagate 160gb sata 2 HDD = 3k
Cabinet + smps = 2k
1 gb transcend ram = 5.3k
Keyboard + Mouse = .5k


Broken In
lets cut some corners here. c2d e6300 now costs somewhere between 7.5k -8k.
for only .5k more take a samsung hdd 250gb sp2504c with superb reliabilty n performance. better take an MSI p965neo as it is a mobo with more features. rest is ok.
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