how do i install phpbb3... ican't understand on their officail site
you need to create mySQL database first (i hope your host support it) i.e database name,database users and database passwords.
download and install Filezilla (you can also use cuteFTP but Filezilla is an open source freeware).
download and unzipped the phpBB3 file.
log on to your ftp website and upload phpBB files using Filezilla.Filezilla will tell you whether files are uploaded successful or not.
log onto your website.if the path of your install lies at for example at (remeber this / i recommend to install at this path not like /phpBB).if your installl part is at / type or type or type (either of the three will work if you upload it correctly).The phpBB installation wizard will start and bingo you can start your forum.
its not that hard,if you dont understand google it further.