Phone at 9k


Right off the assembly line
1. Budget? ~9k
2. Display type and size? 3.5 inch minimum
3. Form Factor? bar, slider, flip? bar
4. Preferred choice of brand? Nokia
5. Preferred input method (QWERTY, touchscreen, numpad, touch-n-type). Touch
6. What camera option you want? Please specify need for flash, autofocus, front facing camera. 3.2mp (flash would be good add-on)
7. Preferred operating system? (Android, Symbian, iOS, Windows Phone etc). WP, preferably. Else android
8. Preferred connectivity options (3G, Wifi etc)Please specify clearly. 3G, Wi-fi
9. Preferred applications (Flash, Swype, GPS, etc)? GPS required.
10. Primary use of handset (multimedia, camera, mails, internet, gaming etc)? Surfing,Texting,Calling,and once in a while casual game
11. Any specific mobile phones in consideration? Lumia 510.
12. Any other info that you want to share?

So, is the Lumia 510 a good choice? Or should I spend a bit more and get the 610? A friend of mine was telling me to go with android but is there good phone from reputed brands at that price range? Also, could anyone tell me the market price for the Omnia W in Kolkata?
Also, I heard that WP7 doesn't support USSD codes. Is it true? Then it's a dealbreaker for me. I can live with the other faults of wp but not this one.
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