Pathetic policy of vodafone


Conversation Architect

I had to send an urgent text message from a vodafone number at about 4am. It kept on bouncing back. The delivery center number etc everything was fine. I called the customer support, they said that the facility is barred as I haven't sent any sms for 30 days. The same problem happened 2 years back also. Back then jio wasn't there so I could do nothing. Now I will save money for a 4g phone and switch to jio. Can these operators bar message facility like this? I had to waste 2 hours to get this sorted out as the customer support was a mess too. Kept on holding my call as calling them is chargeable. Really pathetic experience. On my other jio number idk how vodafone got that number I keep on receiving marketing calls+SMS sometimes 20+ a day to port to vodafone. BC ghanta sabse tez network.



Conversation Architect
Lodged a complaint here
:: Grievance Registration Form ::
vodafone replied that it was technical glitch and the customer has been satisfied hence complaint closed. Customer is really a king in India.
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