Parajet Volution... fly high...

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Šupər♂ - 超人
Parajet introduces you to the exciting world of paramotoring, an incredible new sport which brings the dream of personal flight to everyone.
60 mph, over 10000ft high, 3 hrs flight on full tank & around 10lakhs to buy, The Parajet powered paraglider (PPG) makes flying possible for everyone, it’s safe, easy to learn and so compact it can be folded into a couple of travel bags and taken anywhere in the world.
With no airstrip, flying hill or licensing necessary the Parajet is the hassle free route into the sky.
The Parajet Volution has a powerful purpose made engine manufactured to exacting standards at our Dorset, UK factory. The worlds most advanced back pack aircraft ever!! A revolutionary new supercharged, fuel injected and 100hp rotary engine. With electric start and cruise control as standard you are quickly climbing the skies and cruising cross country. Turn off the engine and ride the thermals, restarting only when you need to gain height.

So... wanna b Bond? *

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Šupər♂ - 超人
more than 10lakhs here... and a rarity (if not.. an impossiblity) anyway :D

And didja see "the swiss superman"?
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