free yahoo has Pop 3 access, U just have to configure yahoo to provide u ads or at your alternate ID, so that U can get ads in your mail client
taken from my other account
Since U know accessing Yahoo from Outlook isn't free but if U agree to the statement, that they will allow U to access it if U R ready to accept Ad mails from Yahoo, I was not able to access it from outlook with the new ID gx_saurav, but then I changed & agreed & now I can, here is how
1) Go to account info in your mail, there go to edit your Personal Info , Like Education, occupation etc, the 1st "Edit" button
2) There U will see a drop down menu that will be like "promotional mail to somehwre" etc, enable it & enter where U want Yahoo to send it too, write
your mail id, by which U R opened rite now, now click on finish & finish again, now Configure Outlook to access it & U will be able to access mails for free
Now here is what U have acepted, Yahoo will send U ad mails from their sponcers to your given mail ID, in other words controlled SPAM, the preference depends on what U have provided as your preference, Computer, health, romance etc This is in fact controlled SPAM, & I remember, with the old ID, I was unable to access Yahoo from Outlook if I disabled this function, same is going there,
Here is a trick, U can also provide that the mails are sended to ypur alternate Mail ID, which U can make anywhre for waste & send the SPAM there, check ones in every few days like 15 etc & U won't get spam in your mail ID but in that mail ID which U never use or use for porn
to configure outlook is a tedius taks, I will soon upload a guide