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!! RecuZant By Birth !!
guys i have nvidia geforce 6200 turbo cache 128 supp 256...PCI-e

yester day i overclocked my card from 350/700 MHZ to 412/774 MHZ by using the latest nvidia coolbits and optimal finding option and seems to be stable...

i just heard that 6200 card is similar to 6600 in design which has 8 pipelines but 6200 have 4 pipelines and other 4 have been locked down.

i have have just read about unlockin...

but could any one say how to actually unlock those pipelines by using RIVATUNER.....???

anybody with a good resource on how to actuaaly unlock those pipelines will be useful....

thanks for reading this and waiting for u guys to come up with a good answer......

Third Eye

gooby pls
yes you can unlock 6200 pipelines..see this and this... it might be helpful to you..
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!! RecuZant By Birth !!
problem in opening the pipelines......

i am posting the photo sooon......please help after seeing the picture

here u could see my first pixel unit 0 and 1 are been enabled and ticked respectively...and i have also clicked the HM ENABLE OPTION also...even though i do it still it shows N/A in the last coloumn....wht to do now..???
which one to open now...???

please help.....
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!! RecuZant By Birth !!
man thank for ur replies././...... can u say how much the temp of gpu processor can be raised.....coz yesterday i ran my card while playing lord of the rings :battle of middle earth 2 for an hour and it seems it had raised from 46 to 59c ....is that ok...it is well within the green range.....i didnt notice the increase before the overclocking...so just want to know whether this is normal....

and atlast a very thanks for those replies...

and if there could be anything to be done in unlocking...please mention it guys,.....waiting for ur replies....
and the temperature rose from 46 to 59 in a gradual way only and it was stable at that temperature ....didnt fluctuate....
anyway the game was intense in graphics......

now to find whether its overheating or not.....

mine is a tri fan case.......is that enough..???? for cooling....
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Cyborg Agent
Well to be frank......the passive cooling of the 6200 sucks! . ..........

I also have a crappy 6200 I'm running it at 450MHz now.....I just added a nice 80mm fan.....now the temps are only 58 at load...

Also CoolBits is not the best utility of oc'ing....use ATi Tool or Riva Tuner..

Since the temps are only 58@ load @450MHz I plan to OC it to 500MHz also....

PS: For graphics cards even 80 degs is quite stable or maybe even 90 for some cards;;;;


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
samrulez said:
Well to be frank......the passive cooling of the 6200 sucks! . ..........

I also have a crappy 6200 I'm running it at 450MHz now.....I just added a nice 80mm fan.....now the temps are only 58 at load...

Also CoolBits is not the best utility of oc'ing....use ATi Tool or Riva Tuner..

Since the temps are only 58@ load @450MHz I plan to OC it to 500MHz also....

PS: For graphics cards even 80 degs is quite stable or maybe even 90 for some cards;;;;

wow thats great...i am also using rivatuner...... but....i just read about changing the bios ....man we have extra pipelines just like those high end graphics card....if we can unlock them...it will be a free upgrade....

does anyone know about on how to change the bios of gpu ie for graphics card....???

well again thanks for those replies guys..

and another thing....since my temp are under normal...can i oc some more....how much should i increase and how to see whether its stable???


Cyborg Agent
I think you mean softmod....well 6200 based on the nv44a a1 core cannot be softmodded....and even with the older 6200s you could unlock only 4 pps.....

High end cards 7800,7900 have 24 pixel pipelines....what ever you do you won't be able to unlock that no of pps.... :p

Infact some of the nv44a a1's were even hard locked so that means you couldn't even overclock it by 1MHz... :D
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!! RecuZant By Birth !!
any way a little eagerness .....anyway....this baby by ocing itself is rocking....

how much can i go beyond the present oc.......

744(mem freq)/412(core freq)????


Cyborg Agent
Which chips is the memory based on???

The core can go well above 450MHz with default volts....and if you want to go to 500MHz + then a voltmod will be required......

But all this should be under 75 degs........

Before I added one fan the temps were 65 idle ....with the default passive cooling provided by XFX>.....but after I added a fan plus oc'ed it to 450 its just 60 at full load.....

Also when you OC .....click on the button that says ''Scan for Artifacts'' in the right side of Ati Tool...


Cyborg Agent
lol....its so simple...!

Just keep increasing the Core in increments of 5MHz ....on the core and scan for Artifacts......after every 5MHz ......if its stable push it further....

Keep updating the overclocks :)


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
samrulez said:
lol....its so simple...!

Just keep increasing the Core in increments of 5MHz ....on the core and scan for Artifacts......after every 5MHz ......if its stable push it further....

Keep updating the overclocks :)

thanks man....

i will surely do it ....

can i use vista with overclocked card...as vista seems to be using graphics card all the time??????


Cyborg Agent
yeah! You can OC in Vista but....if you use coolBits it will only be in XP...So you will have to OC all over again....

Again..If the temps are under control then you can OC..Btw be sure you add a fan to it..
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