Nvidia Driver for FEDORA CORE 7

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The Linux Man !
Hi friends,
I have got Nvidia GeForce 6200 TurboCache GPU. I am trying to enable 3D effects on Fedora Core 7. For which I will have to install NVIDIA Drivers. I have two options:
1.] *rpm.livna.org/fedora/7/i386/
2.] *www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html
Which one should I go for ? In case you want me to try first option then in that event many versions of kmod-nvidia drivers are available. You can check at the link given above. Again which version should I go for in livna repository. The driver should be stable thus it should not corrupt Graphical Booting and should at the same time enable 3D effects for me. Waiting for your replies...


left this forum longback
does *atrpms.net provides drivers(kernel modules) for ya system.when i was running fedora used to use that repo.Now uses Debian :D
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