NTFS in fstab

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My friend has Winxp and PCQLinux 2005.
I want to mount her windows drives in linux. But how to mount NTFS filesystem
I want the lines to add in /etc/fstab
The drives are
and so on.


Do something like

/dev/hda1 /mnt/c ntfs ... .... ....

Instead of vfat replace it with ntfs in the /etc/fstab,
probably you want to keep it read only then use 'ro' in its place further down the config file.


In the zone
First ;
#uname -r -p
shows the kernel version and then install the correct rpm from ttp://linux-ntfs.sourceforge.net/rpm/index.html

create a directory for mount
$mkdir /mnt/win1

after that edit /etc/fstab and add the details something like
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win1 ntfs ro,umask=0222,uid=500,gid=500 0 0

and then mount the partition.
# mount /dev/hda5

Hope this will work..



In the zone
This doesn`t works in FC3 firewall that`s why i said that,
and yes if u try to mount NTFS drive then it return a error says,
"NTFS porting is not supported in write mode"

so i thing there should be some way to mount it in read mode i tried that too buit didn`t worked for me tho


In the zone
hope you are using exactly the same version of NTFS kernel module as the kernel you have installed.



In the zone
demoninside said:
I think PCQ 2005 if FC3 based, which still do not support NTFS mounting as far as i know............
PCQLinux 2005 comes preloaded with Ntfs kernel.

sinu, if the ntfs-kernel is not installed or if it is corrupt then type:
uname -r
and note down the kernel version of Fedora Core 3 and then go to *linux-ntfs.sourceforge.net/rpm/downloads.html and download the matching ntfs-kernel rpm and install it.

then, simply edit fstab file and add this line:
/dev/hda1 /mnt/ntfsdrive ntfs ro,umask=0222 0 0

you can also specify uid and gid if you want.

where I assume that hda1 is the partition that you want to mount and ntfsdrive is the destination folder for mounting.

upon reboot, you will be able to access your selected windows partition from linux.
But remember that Linux doesn't have write access to ntfs partitions.


In the zone
no, currently writing mode for ntfs partition is not supported by Fedora Core 3.

Fedora Core 3 and successfully read as well as write to vfat (fat32) partitions.


In the zone
it's not only FC3 which read perfactly,
even my first linux distro RH9.0 was doing it,

So this is some thing all guys know out here,

But problem with Ntfs i m still facing,
i installed ntfs kernel section, and then again try to mount it but still the same error "NTFS partion is not supported under write mode try to mount it in read mode"

can some one help me in this
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