*[NEW!]* Opera 7.6 Technical Preview 3!

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Just released, the new update to Opera 7.6 brings in a host of changes as usual :)

This new update features a more better interface than in 7.6 r2 (slight improvements and changes)

IRC lovers will be glad to know that Opera finally supports irc:// protocol! Now you can directly click on IRC links and chat within Opera iteslf!

Another noteable feature is ERA (Extensible Rendering Architecture). ERA formats the viewed page differently according to the available width. (so no more side-scrolling wide web-pages!)



Size: 3.6 MB

Detailed Changes:

Detailed changelog can be found here.


Web Entrepreneur
cool... i was just yeaterday reading about ERA.... today its in Opera... IRC also supported... download in progress... 24%.... 29%.... 31%.....

thx 4 info :)


It starts in a few seconds itself. And it doesnt crash on most sites (R2 did crash on some sites)

Rediscover the web


* Just go to Tools -> Preferences -> Email.

* If you want the Mail and accounts etc from your previous version of opera, just copy the \Mail folder from your previous installation to the new one.

* GMail will work with M2 when POP is activated for your GMail account. (Of course, till then you can use gPopper)

Rediscover the web


You'll come to know that yourself!

When POP is activated, you will see a "New Features!" link on the top right of your GMail account like this:


(Incidentaly I got this message today itself!)

Then to enable POP in your Gmail account, follow these steps:

Click 'Settings' at the top of any Gmail page.
Click 'Forwarding and POP' in the orange 'Mail Settings' box.
Select 'Enable POP for all mail' or 'Enable POP for mail that arrives from now on.'
Choose the action you would like your Gmail messages to take after they are accessed with POP.
Configure your POP client, and click 'Save Changes.'

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