New in-ear earphones


Geek in making
If they say so you can do so :wink:.But do burn them for a little time before commenting on their actual sound quality.


Broken In
Hi guys.Got my c-12 on monday did that burn-in thing(i think it's close to 30 hours),didn't do it continuously though.Okay here is my experience so far.
At first when i put them in my ears they were light enough and felt comfortable.When i started listening to first song(pryda-Allein) i wasn't impressed at all,really i didn't find it much of an upgrade over my cowon em1 because the bass punch was same though the sound felt clearer but then i was disappointed a little because after spending such an amount i was expecting my mind to be blown away.

Anyway on that day i plugged them into my phone and left them(did that burn-in thing). The next day evening when i listened to (aero chord -surfce) a song i was really impressed, i was able to hear each beats,tune,treble so clearly(i was high at that time btw) those electronic tunes starting from low and going up to high ones (in other songs) and energy level also going from low to high,it was really a pleasant experience for me.And now daily i am hearing new sounds or instruments in the same old songs or sounds with more clarity.Also i didn't find it bassy but then again i am not an audiophile and don't know many of the stuff's you guys talk about.Well that was my experience with c-12 and yes i think they worth the money i spent on them.


Broken In
Yeah okay.:)
offtopic-beats audio on my hp p077tx is nothing but ****.My c-12 sound much better on my lumia 520.The voices in songs always gets fluctuated and overall sound quality feels and sounds like it's suppressed. Any idea about this?

- - - Updated - - -

Aaahhh leave it, fixed the issue by disabling beats audio and using basic windows drivers and now everyhting sounds so much good.Actually beats audio was trying to level the vocals(or so i have heard from internet).The only draw back for me is that i can't use equlizer. But thanks anyway. :)


Cyborg Agent
Aaahhh leave it, fixed the issue by disabling beats audio and using basic windows drivers and now everyhting sounds so much good.Actually beats audio was trying to level the vocals(or so i have heard from internet).The only draw back for me is that i can't use equlizer. But thanks anyway. :)

Direct sound also craps up the sound try foobar + WASAPI drivers for true quality


Broken In
By googling those words i came to know that foobar is an audio player where as WASAPI is some driver kind of thing. Can you please enlighten me about those things?
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