Networking in Win95 and Linux

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Wise Old Owl
We have a 486 laptop without CDROM. We wan't to install linux in it. HDD=700 mb. How to? Also my P3 machine has FC-6. So how to connect FC-6 and Win 95 via Network?


"The Gentleman"
completely shocked u hav 486 laptop.... wow tat should b put in some museum... oldest laptop.

visit this site it is completely dedicated for networking only



Wise Old Owl
vish786 said:
completely shocked u hav 486 laptop.... wow tat should b put in some museum... oldest laptop.

visit this site it is completely dedicated for networking only

I knew this would be the reply from one of the guys. Another shocking thing-- I HAD A 386 PC WITH DOS AND WINDOWS 3.1 IN IT which is now in scrap.


"The Gentleman"
The Unknown said:
I knew this would be the reply from one of the guys. Another shocking thing-- I HAD A 386 PC WITH DOS AND WINDOWS 3.1 IN IT which is now in scrap.
i found one more site dedicated to networking check it... hope its useful

check this thread also

just tell me which all linux OS hav u installed on ur system??
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Wise Old Owl
vish786 said:
i found one more site dedicated to networking check it... hope its useful

check this thread also

just tell me which all linux OS hav u installed on ur system??

You can find out what dist. of Linux i have installed from my custom title here. was not useful. It does not suit my problem.


left this forum longback
U can install puppy linux or any low resources linux(rules-project?) for 486.
now to install u need to copy the image of linux(50+ MB for small linux distros) and use someway to trigger the installer.I think only way is via floppy?or a network install!(it is meant for newer computers)
as for networking win95 and fc6,u can use samba?


Wise Old Owl
praka123 said:
U can install puppy linux or any low resources linux(rules-project?) for 486.
now to install u need to copy the image of linux(50+ MB for small linux distros) and use someway to trigger the installer.I think only way is via floppy?or a network install!(it is meant for newer computers)
as for networking win95 and fc6,u can use samba?

Yes floppy is the only way. Also i have an external CDROM which can be connected to it by || port. But i don't think that it would be possible the setup of linux under dat dos mode of CDROM connected by LPT-CD a software which gives a dos env.. @ boot when the External CDROM is attached to the || port and the floppy is inserted.

Using that LPT CD, i installed Win 98 on my another lappy of Pentium 100 Mhz.

UPDATE: Actually there was a virus in the lappy's Boot Record. To remove dat virus, we're planning to load linux and delete windows from it. Now WELCOMEB virus is cleared and problem solved. Anyways thanx guys for the links and solns.
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"The Gentleman"
The Unknown said:
You can find out what dist. of Linux i have installed from my custom title here. was not useful. It does not suit my problem.

did u check the thread i hav posted dude:smile:


Wise Old Owl
vish786 said:
did u check the thread i hav posted dude:smile:

Yes. But its all about linux-win XP networking. my case was different.

Now we can close discussion on this topic coz i gave the laptop to one of my dad's friend coz he wanted to teach her daughter MS.


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