Needed cheap cabinet fan.


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Please suggest real cheap cabinet fan for my cpu.Since i'm tight on money and planning to buy another cabinet after 6-7 months so want it for the due course...
My configuration is-
Procy-AMD Phenom II X4 960T
PSU-Corsair CX500V2
GPU-Sapphire HD6770 1GB
Cabinet is of i ball,don't know the model,has only one 80mm fan and it starts giving a sound of clicking after running good for a while which irritates so much that i have disconnected it for the time being and running my pc without any fan to shell hot air outside the cabinet.
Since i am planning to buy a decent cabinet after 6-7 months ,for the time being i need a fan and the amount i have for the same is just Rs.400.
I liked two of these fans and are in my budget
Cooler Master BC 80 mm Red LED Fan Cooler *
Cooler Master 80 mm Green LED Fan Cooler Cooler Master 80 mm Green LED Fan Cooler - Cooler Master:

Please suggest something from the above 2 or any else u think good.
Buy any local fan, it will cost about 80 to 90 bucks and will do the job but will definately be more noisy. I suggest you to buy a local fan now and get a good, low noise fan later.
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